Saturday, December 17, 2011

The Symposium Organizer Announced information about the next symposium date

The 11th U.S. – Japan Symposium on Drug Delivery Systems organizers announced yesterday that the 12th U.S. – Japan Symposium on Drug Delivery Systems will be held in December of 2013. The exact date and details will be announced at a later date.

Friday, December 16, 2011

The registration for the 11th U.S. – Japan Symposium on Drug Delivery Systems ended

The registration for 11th U.S. – Japan Symposium on Drug Delivery Systems ended and the conference began with much enthusiasm and anticipation on the part of both attendees and participants.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Abstract Submission Deadline Ended

The 11th U.S. – Japan Symposium on Drug Delivery Systems organizers announced that the Abstract Submissions Deadline has ended and are no longer accepting abstracts.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

11th Symposium Abstract Submission Extended

11th U.S. – Japan Symposium on Drug Delivery Systems Abstract Submissions Deadline Extended

The 11th U.S. – Japan Symposium on Drug Delivery Systems organizers announced last week that they are Extending the Abstract Submissions Deadline to November 6th 2011 at Midnight to accommodate late submissions.

With less than three weeks left until The 11th US-Japan Symposium on Drug Delivery Systems, With the symposium organizers extended the abstracts for submissions deadline and said that there will be no more extensions. The deadline for abstract submissions is now November 6th 2011 at Midnight.

Realizing that there is less than four days until the deadline arrives, participants are urged to submit their abstracts as soon as possible to assure inclusion. Organizers are urging participants who are submitting abstracts to be sure to observe the submission guidelines while creating your abstract for submission. The guidelines are as follows:
  • The length of abstract submission is limited to 275 words or less.
  • Spelling and grammar must be checked prior to abstract submission as organizers are not responsible for performing editorial corrections to abstracts.
  • Title of the abstract or the names of the authors must not be included in the abstract.
The only software needed to complete abstract submission is the latest version of common web browsers such as Internet Explorer or Mozilla Firefox. Once submission is completed an email confirmation is sent to the author (and any co-authors) containing a link to a special password secured page where the submissions can be edited your at anytime before the submission deadline of November 6th 2011 at Midnight.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

The 11th U.S. – Japan Symposium on Drug Delivery Systems still Accepting Abstract Submissions

Abstract Submission Deadline is Near

The abstracts will be disseminated to symposium registrants in a Symposium Abstract Book. Each abstract will be one half page. To submit your abstract,

  1. Compose the body of your abstract in your own word processor. Please limit it to 275 words or less. Please check spelling and grammar. Do not include either the title of your abstract or the authors names in that text; the title and authors will be entered separately.
  2. When you are ready to submit your abstract, have available the names and email address of your co-authors (if any)
  3. Submit your abstract online no later than November 1, 2011.
    (Submit Abstract Now)

No special software is required to submit an abstract.

You will automatically receive confirmation of abstract submission. The emailed confirmation notice will give you a password-protected hyperlink that can be used to edit the submission at any time prior to the submission deadline. Co-authors will automatically receive the same confirmation notice.

The Speaker List for The 11th US-Japan Symposium on Drug Delivery Systems has been published

Featured Speakers are:

Khurseed Anwer EGEN, Inc.
Sangeeta BhatiaMIT
Henry BremJohns Hopkins
Ron DemersDemers Consulting
Joseph DeSimoneUniver. of North Carolina - Chapel Hill
Sarma DudduTARIS Biomedical
Oliver FetzerCerulean Pharmaceuticals
Mitsuru HashidaKyoto University
Yuriko HiguchiKyoto University
Jeff HrkachBIND Biosciences, Inc
Noritaka IsogaiKinki University School of Medicine
Juichi Ito Kyoto University
Kiyokazu IwataDDS Research Group
Lloyd JohnstonSelecta Biosciences, Inc.
Yasufumi KanedaOsaka University
Joseph Kim Inovio Biomedical Corp.
Lothar KleinerAbbot Vascular
Joachim KohnNew Jersey Center for Biomaterials
Satoru Konishi Ritsumeikan University
Victor KotelianskiAlnylam Pharmaceuticals
Shoen KumeKumamoto University
Cato T. LaurencinUniversity of Connecticut
Doug LevinsonSeventh Sense Biosystems
Chad MirkinNorthwestern University
Shinsaku NakagawaOsaka University
Maria PalasisArsenal Medical
John PattonDance Pharmaceuticals
Francis SzokaUniversity of California -San Francisco
Shunsaku Watanabe Astellas Pharma Inc.
Ling Wong Gates Foundation
Eiichi YamamotoEisai Product Creation Systems
Kenji Yasuda Tokyo Medical & Dental University
Chae-Ok Yung Yonsei University College of Medicine
TBAKala Pharmaceuticals

For registration and Abstract Submission go to the Langer Lab website at

Sunday, March 27, 2011

The 11th US-Japan Symposium on Drug Delivery Systems is Being Organized

In only a few short months the 11th US-Japan Symposium on Drug Delivery Systems which is co-sponsored by the Controlled Release Society, the Japanese Society of Drug Delivery Systems, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and Kyoto University will be underway.

The symposium offers presentations by researchers from a number of disciplines, from the life sciences to engineering, who will address a range of topics including peptide and protein delivery, gene delivery, cell delivery, vaccines, transdermals, pulmonary delivery, new materials, and other subjects, from varied disciplines while focusing on the central theme of drug delivery. The Symposium offers a unique opportunity for interaction and networking among attendees from academia and industry.

Monday, September 28, 2009

10th U.S. – Japan Symposium on Drug Delivery Systems Abstract Submissions Deadline Extended

The 10th U.S. – Japan Symposium on Drug Delivery Systems organizers announced last week that they are Extending the Abstract Submissions Deadline to October 19th 2009 to accommodate late submissions.

With less than three weeks left until The 10th US-Japan Symposium on Drug Delivery Systems, With the symposium organizers extended the abstracts for submissions deadline and said that there will be no more extensions. The deadline for abstract submissions is now October 19, 2009.

Realizing that there is less than three weeks until the deadline arrives, participants are urged to submit their abstracts as soon as possible to assure inclusion. Organizers are urging participants who are submitting abstracts to be sure to observe the submission guidelines while creating your abstract for submission. The guidelines are as follows

  • The length of abstract submission is limited to 275 words or less.
  • Spelling and grammar must be checked prior to abstract submission as organizers are not responsible for performing editorial corrections to abstracts.
  • Title of the abstract or the names of the authors must not be included in the abstract.

The only software needed to complete abstract submission is the latest version of common web browsers such as Internet Explorer or Mozilla Firefox. Once submission is completed an email confirmation is sent to the author (and any co-authors) containing a link to a special password secured page where the submissions can be edited your at anytime before the submission deadline of October 19, 2009.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

The 10th U.S. – Japan Symposium on Drug Delivery Systems Symposium Agenda is Now On-line

The organizers of the 10th US-Japan Symposium on Drug Delivery Systems which is to be held this December in Lahaina, Maui, Hawaii just posted the symposium agenda on the Symposium website. The Symposium which begins on Wednesday, December 16, 2009 at 2:30 PM with registration at Ocean Lanai Terrace of the Westin Maui Resort & Spa, will continue till 10Pm on Sunday, December 20, 2009. The full agenda and details are available at the symposium website at

Also the deadline for abstract submissions is still October 1st, 2009. If you are a participant don't miss this deadline for submitting your abstracts.

Friday, July 3, 2009

10th U.S. Japan Symposium Organizers Make Accomodation Announcement

The organizers of the 10th US-Japan Symposium on Drug Delivery Systems which is to be held this December in Lahaina, Maui, Hawaii just announced that they have made more rooms available for the symposium attendees at a discounted rate on a first come first serve basis. Attendees should book their rooms quickly as the extra rooms are unlikely to be available for very long.

For more information visit the symposium website at

The 10th U.S. – Japan Symposium on Drug Delivery Systems now Accepting Abstract Submissions

The 10th U.S. – Japan Symposium on Drug Delivery Systems organizers announced last week that they are now Accepting Abstract Submissions.

With less than six months left until The 10th US-Japan Symposium on Drug Delivery Systems,With the symposium organizers are now accepting abstracts for submissions. The deadline for abstract submissions is October 1st, 2009.

Realizing that there are only a few short months until the deadline arrives, participants are urged to submit their abstracts early in order to provide ample time for any revisions and editorial processes that they may deem necessary. Organizers are urging participants who are submitting abstracts to be sure to observe the submission guidelines while creating your abstract for submission. The guidelines are as follows

  • The length of abstract submission is limited to 275 words or less.

  • Spelling and grammar must be checked prior to abstract submission as organizers are not responsible for performing editorial corrections to abstracts.

  • Title of the abstract or the names of the authors must not be included in the abstract.

The only software needed to complete abstract submission is the latest version of common web browsers such as Internet Explorer or Mozilla Firefox. Once submission is completed an email confirmation is sent to the author (and any co-authors) containing a link to a special password secured page where the submissions can be edited your at anytime before the submission deadline of October 1, 2009.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

10th US-Japan Symposium on Drug Delivery Systems

The 10th US-Japan Symposium on Drug Delivery Systems is co-sponsored by the Controlled Release Society, the Japanese Society of Drug Delivery Systems, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and Kyoto University.

The symposium offers presentations by researchers from a number of disciplines, from the life sciences to engineering, who will address a range of topics including peptide and protein delivery, gene delivery, cell delivery, vaccines, transdermals, pulmonary delivery, new materials, and other subjects, from varied disciplines while focusing on the central theme of drug delivery. The Symposium offers a unique opportunity for interaction and networking among attendees from academia and industry.

Robert Langer, Millennium Technology Prize Laureates

The 2008 Millennium Technology Prize Laureates came to Finland for the Millennium Technology Week in June.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Robert Langer, 2008 Millennium Prize Winner

Professor Robert Langer, pioneer of controlled drug release and tissue regeneration, is the Winner of the 2008 Millennium Technology Prize.

Bioengineer wins top prize;

Dr. Robert Langer Lauded

MIT Institute Professor Robert S. Langer received the 2008 Millennium Technology Prize for his work in developing new biomaterials for controlled drug release and tissue regeneration...

Dr. Langer will be at The 10th US-Japan Symposium on Drug Delivery Systems which is co-sponsored by the Controlled Release Society, the Japanese Society of Drug Delivery Systems, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and Kyoto University. To find out more see

Dr. Robert Langer - Biomaterials and How They Will Change Our Lives

Dr. Robert Langer's talk is the inaugural keynote for a new Invitrogen-UC San Diego Frontiers in Biotechnology Distinguished Seminar Series, organized by the Jacobs School of Engineering and sponsored by Invitrogen.

Advances in drug delivery and tissue engineering are revolutionizing medical therapies. New drug delivery technologies including novel polymers and intelligent microchips promise to create new treatments for cancer, heart disease and many other illnesses. Furthermore, by combining mammalian cells with synthetic polymers, new approaches for engineering tissues are being developed that may someday help repair tissues for patients with burns, damaged cartilage, paralysis and vascular disease.

Thursday, October 4, 2007

The 9th US-Japan Symposium on Drug Delivery Systems

9th US - Japan Symposium on Drug Delivery Systems

The 9th US-Japan Symposium on Drug Delivery Systems is co-sponsored by the Controlled Release Society, the Japanese Society of Drug Delivery Systems, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and Kyoto University.

The symposium offers presentations by researchers from a number of disciplines, from the life sciences to engineering, who will address a range of topics including peptide and protein delivery, gene delivery, cell delivery, vaccines, transdermals, pulmonary delivery, new materials, and other subjects, from varied disciplines while focusing on the central theme of drug delivery. The Symposium offers a unique opportunity for interaction and networking among attendees from academia and industry.

More Information>>

Thursday, September 27, 2007


Materials scientists look for new materials and ways to manipulate existing ones in order to fulfill unmet needs

Read more at:

From Chemical & Engineering News

A service of the American Chemical Society.

MIT's Langer Lab at the Forefront of Drug Delivery

The work at MIT's Langer Lab is at the interface of biotechnology and materials science. A major focus is the study and development of polymers to deliver drugs, particularly genetically engineered proteins, DNA and RNAi, continuously at controlled rates for prolonged periods of time. Work is in progress in the following areas:

  • Investigating the mechanism of release from polymeric delivery systems with concomitant microstructural analysis and mathematical modeling.
  • Studying applications of these systems including the development of effective long-term delivery systems for insulin, anti-cancer drugs, growth factors, gene therapy agents and vaccines.
  • Developing controlled release systems that can be magnetically, ultrasonically, or enzymatically triggered to increase release rates.
More on Research >>

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Spotlight MIT 2007 - MIT Club of Northern California Volunteer Awards

This year's Spotlight MIT speaker is MIT Professor Robert S. Langer, CH '74, one of history's most prolific inventors and an extraordinary entrepreneur. This movie segment captures the awards given to outstanding volunteers for the Club.

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Spotlight MIT 2007 - Dr. Robert S. Langer - Presentation

This year's Spotlight MIT speaker is MIT Professor Robert S. Langer, CH '74, one of history's most prolific inventors and an extraordinary entrepreneur. This movie segment captures Dr. Langer's presentation.